Friday, August 28, 2009

Thus far.

I finally allowed myself the freedom (with my parents' permission, nonetheless) to join the blings for iftar, after a whole week of breaking fast at home & going for terawih every single night at the void deck nearby. Of course, it wasn't any mere gathering. After countless threads at fb, we successfully pulled a surprise birthday celebration for Natasha Nadia (aka Natasha Cullen) & Sabrina Hashim. Even after the enthusiastic replies/comments online, Renuka managed to land herself at the wrong venue - Esplanade rooftop! Of all places. Seriously Renu, please read instructions carefully lah dey. It happened to be sneaker's night, by the way. An attempt to impersonate Nat's fashion sense, on top of the eyeliner pact. As always, i had tons of funs with the girls. Plus Nat, i do hope that one day Syazwan will bring you to the Songs of the Sea, this time for real. No more pranks. This is for you, I LOVE NATASHA THE GREAT! :D

Well, back to ramadhan. I have yet to actually terawih at MDM, just because. My family chose to pray at the void deck instead, since it is more convenient, location wise & the fact that they only stop at 8 (if you know what i mean). Then, we would have supper! Syed for thosai, Rubinah for ice milo dinosaur & Starbucks for java chip frappe. Yes, in jubah & tudung ikin. Muslimah in action! Next week, i foresee iftars at embah's & nenek's house respectively & i can't wait for that.

Alright, i better get some sleep now before being waken up at 5 in the morning to sahur to the dreadful, "bangun! sahur!" Oh dear, good to the night friends!

Friday, August 21, 2009


Selamat berpuasa, kawan-kawan! :)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Such a great pity

for me to miss the first night of terawih and/or maybe the first day of ramadhan. Period timing sucks. 

Saturday, August 15, 2009

E E Cummings

 I carry your heart with me
I carry it in my heart
I am never without it
Anywhere i go you go, my dear
And whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling
I fear no fate for you are my fate, my sweet
I want no world for beautiful you are my world, my true
And it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
And whatever a sun will always sing is you

Here is the deepest secret nobody knows
Here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
And the sky of the sky of a tree called life, which grows
Higher than the soul can hope or mind can hide
And this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

I carry your heart
I carry it in my heart

Ella Yasmin Laybourn

Say hello to my made in London cousin, baby Yasmin!

Being a mixed blood, i bet she is going to turn heads when she grows up.

NYP days

Grabbed these from Josh's fb & they got me missing my carefree days in 
NYP as a diagnostic radiography student. 

I have forgotten what colour my hair was back then. 
& how much better my complexion was too.

The only thing i regretted when i left NYP was that of leaving such good friends behind. Apart from the only other thing which i miss terribly, playing the clarinet and being a part of NYPSO.

Friday, August 14, 2009


School commences on 7th September. :)

Monday, August 10, 2009

Still not getting any.

I would never imagine my life at a turning point right now. When my future dangles on a string, like slow spinning redemption. When everything else cease to matter. When i wish i have the power to turn back the clock and redo everything just to make it close to perfection. But if i were to do just that, then what's the point of living? Because then, i would have nothing to learn from. No pieces left behind for me to pick up.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Let this be true.

May transfer to a degree in the fields of EMFSS.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Perfection doesn't exists,

but forever & always does.

Flea fly fo fummm

Small scale flea market @ SMU

We were worried that we might not be able to even cover the initial start up cost of the rental fee. But once the crowd arrived (though not much as we expected), we just kept the ball rolling.

Cheap child labour

I looked like a nyonya lahhh. Selling our pre-loved items.

Size 37, Aldo boots in black & brown still available.
Interested, let me know!

SUCCESS! A job well done everyone. 

Monday, August 3, 2009

Ray of sunshine

Just like that. 

Fake cake :)

This is pretty much how i spent my Tuesdays, at CWP for half priced waffles. 
Except that this time, we decided to treat Nazurah for some art work. 

Seri's mini twin sister. 

We persuaded her to choose a birthday cake template, 
which Nazurah would then present it to her mummy as a birthday gift.
Good idea, no? Tee hee.

She is becoming clingy to me, as of late. Probably due to how i fetch her from school every single day. Helping her with homework. The after school treats. Playing on my iMac and listening to her current favourite song, You're Not Alone by MJ. Her self-proclaimed boyfriend. SHOOO CUTE! 

Ta dah! The final outcome. A bright, cheery birthday cake.
& it's Tuesday tomorrow.

Down town

Phat needs to add some magic to her hair. 
Until then, she should stick to her new nickname, Shaggy.

Taking a short break after shopping, 
before we warned not to sit at the steps.
& we were off for our virgin trip to ION!

Too much temptation to shop, 
thus we settled down again as soon as we got there.

Like father, like daughter.
Both worn out after all the walking.
Takashimaya to Wisma to ION & back again where our car was parked.

Seri, hardly being caught daydreaming.